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Friday, August 30, 2019

Which Type Of Tourist You Are ? Types Of Tourist.

Hello Ghumakkads !!!

Love to pack the bag and travel? Obviously, every Tourist loves to explore more and wander more and different types of Tourists may have different purpose of there visit and different duration of the visit may also have the different budget or different type of group structure also.

Types of tourists

Suppose there are few tourists who are planning their trip to a group, and there may also be tourists who love to travel alone. Few of them may love to visit with luxury and few of them love to visit simply by means of public transport to observe the things closely. Few of them might saty at hotels and few of you would love to stay at your uncle's place. We can classify Tourists in multiple categories. Let's see these categories and find out which type of tourist you are.

Adventure Tourist - 

Do you love adventure? And do you also think that typically visiting a museum park and seeing old artifacts is really boring? Do you also love to travel the remote area and wanna get yourself immersed into mother nature and like to have Rafting, Trekking, Paragliding and other multiple types of sports activities?

Adventure Tourist

If answer to all or may of these questions is yes, then yes you are an adventure tourist. An adventure tourist wants an unusual experience and participates in dangerous activities that may also have even risk of life or simply getting physically involved with nature.

Business Tourist - 

If you are a working professional and usually or even barely get time to attend the conferences, seminars, meetings. Or you are an engineer or contractor places for site observation, or you are involved in any job and travel to a place other than your job location for the official purpose you certainly are a business tourist.

Business tourists

Cultural Tourists - 

Those who like to observe and experience the cultural diversity around the world and explore the different cultures in the world, their tradition and how that society works or worked.

cultural tourism

Tourists engage with lifestyle, history or geographical area or society, roots of evaluation, ethnicity, of a particular country or region and see how these things affect their ways of there living and beliefs and how these things make them different than others. 

Medical Tourist- 

Those tourists who are seeking wellness or medical treatment outside there living region are called medical tourists, while that treatment is not available there or is cheaper or have better quality at the destination.

medical wellness tourism

Few countries offer cheaper medical services than others in such cases tourists like to travel to that country and get tourism and treatment simultaneously. India offers cheaper treatment and as well as wellness services like Panchkararma, Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, and acupressure, etc.

Eco Tourists - 

Traveling to experience nature and scenic beauty of the places. Such tourists prefer destinations full of attractions of lush beauty. Like Beautiful islands, National Parks and Resorts, waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, etc.

 eco tourism

Leisure Tourists - 

Wanted a break from daily 9-5 routine?  What did you do? Did you pack your bag in month-end and relaxed at the beach? If yes, then you should know you were a leisure tourist than.

Leisure Tourism

Leisure tourist takes a break or vacation from everyday life. A leisure tourist may love to go on a cruise, or explore some local markets, or might have a break to enjoy sunrise or sunset on hilltop.

VFR  Tourists - 

Tourists Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) went to stay in contact with relatives or friends. They travel away from home to visit them and stay there instead of staying in hotels, guest houses or resorts.

 vfr tourists

For example, someone goes to Delhi to visit there uncle or aunt and stays there while visiting Delhi is a VFR tourist or someone going to Mumbai to attend their cousin's wedding is also a VFR tourist.

Backpackers -

Usually, have little luggage and a small budget with motive to gain experience, feel the adventure, get connect with other travelers and usually has a flexible schedule.

backpacker tourist

So these were the few major types of tourists. Tell us which type of tourist you are. Did we miss few types? If yes tell me in the comment section. Or mail me at ashutoshsingh5888@gmail.com. Stay Ghumakkad, Stay Happy 😎 

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