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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Are You A Tourist ? Do you Know Who Is Tourist ?

We are traveling and wandering around the world, visiting cities and heritage sites, covering deserts, mountains, rivers, storing memories, clicking pictures, packing bags and much more. Yes, we are Tourists.  But this is not all about being a tourist.

As a Noun tourist means "a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure". 

What is a Tourist? 

But we also got a standard definition for the word Tourist

    A tourist is anyone who travels to places other than the one in which is his habitual residence,        outside of their everyday environment, for a period of at least one night but not more than one year and whose usual purpose is different from the exercise of any remunerated activity in the place to which he goes.

This definition suggests that someone can be called as the tourist if he has traveled at least more than 24 hours and less than One Year i.e. 365 days he won't be addressed as Tourist. If you are going to a nearby zoo in your town and you stayed there for a few hours before leaving for the home you'll be called the visitor. And if you are staying at a place for more one year you'll be the resident of that place, not the visitor.  

But let's keep these things aside and keep roaming around the world. Stay Ghumakkad, Stay Happy. 😎